Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Deep Curriculum Alignment

Chapter one discusses the reasons why assessment and accountability have become increasingly prevalent over the last 50 years. Interestingly, English blames most of the problems with assessment and accountability on politics. The chapter discusses in depth the rhetoric associated with the defects of public education today. Six culprits including the monopolistic and inefficient nature of public education, the genetic incapacity of minority children and children of color to do well in school, the intransigence of teacher unions to educational reform, the lack of intellectual rigor in colleges of education, the good ‘ole boy coaches who dominate school leadership positions, and the lack of â€Å"quality† in schools which must be forcefully inserted by ratcheting up the consequences of not doing well on state tests were all investigated in the chapter. I can very easily relate to all six of these â€Å"culprits.† At different times in my education career, I have heard reference to all six. I particularly enjoyed the discussion centered on the last culprit since this high-stakes testing practice is used in the state of Alabama. What is most thought provoking about this is that I had actually bought into the belief that some of these â€Å"culprits† were actually legitimate. English points out that these aspects have little or nothing to do with poor tests score and fixing them will not improve tests scores since test scores are not caused by any of them. This chapter also explores four popular myths about tests. Among these myths are tests are neutral and objective, tests are meritocratic tools, tests take the politics out of education, and one can test (inspect) quality in education. I found of particular interest the section dealing with tests and politics. English refers many times to the politics involved in high stakes testing in this chapter. To be perfectly honest, I did not realize to what extent testing was political... Free Essays on Deep Curriculum Alignment Free Essays on Deep Curriculum Alignment Chapter one discusses the reasons why assessment and accountability have become increasingly prevalent over the last 50 years. Interestingly, English blames most of the problems with assessment and accountability on politics. The chapter discusses in depth the rhetoric associated with the defects of public education today. Six culprits including the monopolistic and inefficient nature of public education, the genetic incapacity of minority children and children of color to do well in school, the intransigence of teacher unions to educational reform, the lack of intellectual rigor in colleges of education, the good ‘ole boy coaches who dominate school leadership positions, and the lack of â€Å"quality† in schools which must be forcefully inserted by ratcheting up the consequences of not doing well on state tests were all investigated in the chapter. I can very easily relate to all six of these â€Å"culprits.† At different times in my education career, I have heard reference to all six. I particularly enjoyed the discussion centered on the last culprit since this high-stakes testing practice is used in the state of Alabama. What is most thought provoking about this is that I had actually bought into the belief that some of these â€Å"culprits† were actually legitimate. English points out that these aspects have little or nothing to do with poor tests score and fixing them will not improve tests scores since test scores are not caused by any of them. This chapter also explores four popular myths about tests. Among these myths are tests are neutral and objective, tests are meritocratic tools, tests take the politics out of education, and one can test (inspect) quality in education. I found of particular interest the section dealing with tests and politics. English refers many times to the politics involved in high stakes testing in this chapter. To be perfectly honest, I did not realize to what extent testing was political...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Five Theories on the Origins of Language

Five Theories on the Origins of Language What was the first language? How did language begin- where and when? Until recently, a sensible linguist would likely respond to such questions with a shrug and a sigh. As Bernard Campbell states flatly in Humankind Emerging (Allyn Bacon, 2005), We simply do not know, and never will, how or when language began. Its hard to imagine a cultural phenomenon thats more important than the development of language. And yet no human attribute offers less conclusive evidence regarding its origins. The mystery, says Christine Kenneally in her book The First Word, lies in the nature of the spoken word: For all its power to wound and seduce, speech is our most ephemeral creation; it is little more than air. It exits the body as a series of puffs and dissipates quickly into the atmosphere... There are no verbs preserved in amber, no ossified nouns, and no prehistorical shrieks forever spread-eagled in the lava that took them by surprise. The absence of such evidence certainly hasnt discouraged speculation about the origins of language. Over the centuries, many theories have been put forward- and just about all of them have been challenged, discounted, and often ridiculed. Each theory accounts for only a small part of what we know about language. Here, identified by their disparaging nicknames, are five of the oldest and most common theories of how language began. The Bow-Wow Theory According to this theory, language began when our ancestors started imitating the natural sounds around them. The first speech was onomatopoeic- marked by echoic words such as moo, meow, splash, cuckoo, and bang.   Whats wrong with this theory?Relatively few words are onomatopoeic, and these words vary from one language to another. For instance, a dogs bark is heard as au au in Brazil, ham ham in Albania, and wang, wang in China. In addition, many onomatopoeic words are of recent origin, and not all are derived from natural sounds. The Ding-Dong Theory This theory, favored by Plato and Pythagoras, maintains that speech arose in response to the essential qualities of objects in the environment. The original sounds people made were supposedly in harmony with the world around them. Whats wrong with this theory?Apart from some rare instances of sound symbolism, theres no persuasive evidence, in any language, of an innate connection between sound and meaning. The La-La Theory The Danish linguist Otto Jespersen suggested that language may have developed from sounds associated with love, play, and (especially) song. Whats wrong with this theory?As David Crystal notes in How Language Works (Penguin, 2005), this theory still fails to account for the gap between the emotional and the rational aspects of speech expression. The Pooh-Pooh Theory This theory holds that speech began with interjections- spontaneous cries of pain (Ouch!), surprise (Oh!), and other emotions (Yabba dabba do!). Whats wrong with this theory?No language contains very many interjections, and, Crystal points out, the clicks, intakes of breath, and other noises which are used in this way bear little relationship to the vowels and consonants found in phonology. The Yo-He-Ho Theory According to this theory, language evolved from the grunts, groans, and snorts evoked by heavy physical labor. Whats wrong with this theory?Though this notion may account for some of the rhythmic features of the language, it doesnt go very far in explaining where words come from. As Peter Farb says in Word Play: What Happens When People Talk (Vintage, 1993): All these speculations have serious flaws, and none can withstand the close scrutiny of present knowledge about the structure of language and about the evolution of our species. But does this mean that all questions about the origin of language are unanswerable? Not necessarily. Over the past 20 years, scholars from such diverse fields as genetics, anthropology, and cognitive science have been engaged, as Kenneally says, in a cross-discipline, multidimensional treasure hunt to find out how language began. It is, she says, the hardest problem in science today. In a future article, well consider more recent theories about the origins and development of language- what William James called the most imperfect and expensive means yet discovered for communicating a thought.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Application Case 3-1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Application Case 3-1 - Assignment Example sexual harassment cases have been formally indicated, investigated and confirmed, an employee should be terminated; then, the same action should be applied to the president, as well. The handling of sexual harassment cases is considered complicated due to the following reasons: (1) due to its sensitive nature, there are almost always no witnesses; (2) the cases should be handled on a case-to-case basis; (3) reporting the incident was considered fact-specific, subjective, and takes into account the credibility of both the accuser and the accused; and (4) evolving behavioral changes with regards to accepting some patterns of behavior differ through time (Pfeiffer & Henneman, p. 90). Consistency in handling sexual harassment claims is important because there could be legal sanctions and cases filed for discrimination if employers would treat their employees differently in situations where sexual harassment complaints are made. As such, based on company policies or codes of discipline and ethical behavior, organizations should clearly and explicitly stipulate instances that render the behavior as veering towards sexual harassment (irrespective of race, gender, age, length of service, position in the company, and other factors noted in the Equal Employment Opportunities

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Playing Wii Games to Playing Real Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Playing Wii Games to Playing Real Games - Essay Example The paper explains the importance and role of the games in our life. Sports like hockey, soccer, rugby and boxing require a lot of physical stress and stamina. These sports are considered healthy as well as tough. They help humans in maintaining a healthy body. The efforts required for these activities fulfill the criteria of exercise needed to keep a healthy body. These exercises increase one’s heart rate, glucose breakdown, and stamina. The movements, power and strategy involved in these activities put one’s mind and muscles to work which in turn shapes the body in to an ideal body. Wii gaming system was released in 2006 by Nintendo. â€Å"Wii is actually an exergame. That is, it’s a video game that requires players to use actual physical movements to manipulate the action. Employing a wireless handheld controller with acceleration sensors and an infrared camera built into the console, the Wii senses players’ Motions and translates them into on-screen movement. For instance, in Wii Tennis you swing the controller like a racket; for Wii Golf, the controller is your club†. ... These sports are considered healthy as well as tough. They help humans in maintaining a healthy body. The efforts required for these activities fulfill the criteria of exercise needed to keep a healthy body. These exercises increase one’s heart rate, glucose breakdown, and stamina. The movements, power and strategy involved in these activities put one’s mind and muscles to work which in turn shapes the body in to an ideal body. Wii gaming system was released in 2006 by Nintendo. â€Å"Wii is actually an exergame. That is, it’s a video game that requires players to use actual physical movements to manipulate the action. Employing a wireless handheld controller (about the size of a TV remote, ironically) with acceleration sensors and an infrared camera built into the console, the Wii senses players’ Motions and translates them into on-screen movement. For instance, in Wii Tennis you swing the controller like a racket; for Wii Golf, the controller is your cl ub† (Anders). Wii has released almost all the popular real world sports games such as boxing, tennis, golf and baseball so its range of games encompass many of the real sports. As mentioned earlier in order to play these games, one needs to mimic the exact movements in front of the screen as used in playing real sports. The player’s actions in real time resemble very closely to actions performed in playing real sports. Playing Wii games helps burn calories just like in playing real sports. Moreover, players even perspire while playing Wii games. â€Å"In fact, in addition to burning the most calories, boxing was the only Wii game tested that would be considered intense enough to maintain or improve cardiorespiratory endurance as defined by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)† (Anders). The

Sunday, November 17, 2019

he Wife of Bath, The Miller and The Pardoner Essay Example for Free

he Wife of Bath, The Miller and The Pardoner Essay The fact that he has a wart on his nose makes him seem an ugly person and this is reflected in his personality and the type of story he is likely to tell. He also has a mouth which is described as a greet forneys. This is to indicate that he is a bit of a gossip and full of hot air. It may also be indicative of the hellish language that he uses as a fire is used to heat a furnace and hell is linked to fire. This type of person would have probably been around quite a bit in Chaucers time in the taverns and inns. He may have seen a few going home in the early hours of the morning and heard them telling rude jokes ad stories at the top of their voices. This would have given him the perfect frame for the Miller as most would have been big burley men. The fact he is described as being so ugly may be partly the view that Chaucer has about millers in general and also based on those people that would have been lying drunken in the street. The Miller has a thombe of gold which makes sense as there would only have been one miller to each village which would mean they could charge what they liked for the flour they made because the people would be highly unlikely and unwilling to go to another village in order to try and get a cheaper price. This therefore makes him seem more realistic and less imagined because Chaucer may have been talking about the one in London and using ugly features of others to make the miller appear ugly. He could have done this as a way of partial revenge to the miller for charging so much. The pardoner is described in the most grotesque fashion of all three characters. He has heer as yelow as wex. This is a particularly nasty way of describing someone that it makes the reader really able to envisage what it looks like. Therefore Chaucer must have based this on somebody that he had seen because otherwise he would not thought to have used such an unusual simile. Chaucer goes on to say I trowe he were a gelding or a mare. This is possibly one of the greatest insults in the English language and hence supports the view that he based his characters on real people. Chaucer clearly dislikes the Pardoner otherwise he would not have written about him in such a manner. Chaucer uses irony to describe him because the Pardoner is carrying around fake relics and selling them to poor priests for a months wages. This is against everything that the church and bible stand for. In my opinion Chaucer was using this as a metaphor for his views on the religious system. This is because most of the church at that time had at least a few corrupt members and this was mainly true of the ministers at Rome. Nearer the end of his description Chaucer is seemingly in awe of the pardoner at how well he is able to tell stories and sing. This is because he finds it so amazing that such a dishonest man can stand in a church and praise god and sell pardons which are essentially sinful in themselves as no one has the power to forgive except for God. This type of person may very well have been met by Chaucer at some point in his life and his utter disgust at the man stayed with him forever. This would undoubtedly influenced his decision as to make the pardoner the most disgusting and unscrupulous members of the pilgrimage. In conclusion I believe that Chaucer based his characters on real people as the descriptions are in such depth that it is hard to think he could have just made them up. On the other hand as a Fiction writer he has to be very creative and would want his audience to believe the characters as much as possible. I am of the opinion that no one can imagine something completely new that they have never seen before or at least something close to it in nature or appearance. Therefore even if his attentions were to create complete characters of fiction subconsciously he would have based them on people that he may have seen walking past him in the street. This is unlikely as I feel he would have closely observed different groups and their attitudes very closely in order to get the right appearance and personality that he wanted for his characters.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The world :: essays research papers fc

This paper is about the world, but I've never written it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Editing Resources Other Resources Hosted by pair Networks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Critique of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Version of Natural Law Theory Paradoxically, Martin Luther King, Jr., in his "Letter from Birmingham City Jail," initially uses classical natural law theory to defend his actions, but immediately thereafter contradicts a fundamental tenet of this theory and relies on a "weaker" version of natural law. In doing so, King must attempt to formulate a theory which justifies his illegal actions in view of his moral obligation to obey the law. King's failure to distinguish between legal obligations and moral obligations yields a logical paradox in his final formulation of natural law theory. However, King's theory need not be completely rejected if his argument is slightly modified to reject the moral obligation to obey laws. King initially uses classical natural law theory as his rational basis to defend his actions. This theory has two main component claims according to Murphy and Coleman (Sourcebook, I-35), the first being, "Moral validity is a logically necessary condition for legal validity- an unjust or immoral law being no law at all" followed by, "The moral order is a part of the natural order- moral duties being in some sense "read off" from essences or purposes fixed (perhaps by God) in nature." According to this theory, morality ‚ law, but law = morality by definition. Thus for King to use this theory, two requirements are implicit. He must assert that an unjust law is not really a law, and he must provide a moral theory to distinguish just and unjust laws. King first quotes St. Augustine, "an unjust law is no law at all," to emphasize his agreement with the first claim. He then includes the "law of God" as his moral theory to provide the framework upon which to judge the law. His argument using classical natural law theory at first seems to be a valid and necessary defense for breaking the law, i.e. disobeying segregation laws and orders to not march. Most people are initially supportive of his argument that an unjust law is not a law he can or should obey. King's comment that "one has a moral responsibility to obey just laws...one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws" (Letter, p3) therefore appears to justify his actions. However, a rational analysis makes apparent several difficulties associated with this argument. The world :: essays research papers fc This paper is about the world, but I've never written it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Editing Resources Other Resources Hosted by pair Networks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Critique of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Version of Natural Law Theory Paradoxically, Martin Luther King, Jr., in his "Letter from Birmingham City Jail," initially uses classical natural law theory to defend his actions, but immediately thereafter contradicts a fundamental tenet of this theory and relies on a "weaker" version of natural law. In doing so, King must attempt to formulate a theory which justifies his illegal actions in view of his moral obligation to obey the law. King's failure to distinguish between legal obligations and moral obligations yields a logical paradox in his final formulation of natural law theory. However, King's theory need not be completely rejected if his argument is slightly modified to reject the moral obligation to obey laws. King initially uses classical natural law theory as his rational basis to defend his actions. This theory has two main component claims according to Murphy and Coleman (Sourcebook, I-35), the first being, "Moral validity is a logically necessary condition for legal validity- an unjust or immoral law being no law at all" followed by, "The moral order is a part of the natural order- moral duties being in some sense "read off" from essences or purposes fixed (perhaps by God) in nature." According to this theory, morality ‚ law, but law = morality by definition. Thus for King to use this theory, two requirements are implicit. He must assert that an unjust law is not really a law, and he must provide a moral theory to distinguish just and unjust laws. King first quotes St. Augustine, "an unjust law is no law at all," to emphasize his agreement with the first claim. He then includes the "law of God" as his moral theory to provide the framework upon which to judge the law. His argument using classical natural law theory at first seems to be a valid and necessary defense for breaking the law, i.e. disobeying segregation laws and orders to not march. Most people are initially supportive of his argument that an unjust law is not a law he can or should obey. King's comment that "one has a moral responsibility to obey just laws...one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws" (Letter, p3) therefore appears to justify his actions. However, a rational analysis makes apparent several difficulties associated with this argument.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Does Having a Recognizable Art or Design “Style” Limit One’s Creativity? Essay

In order to touch basis on what everything truly is and get a solid meaning, let’s discuss what an art style really is, â€Å"..Art styles describe the way the artwork looks. Style is basically the manner in which the artist portrays his or her subject matter and how the artist expresses his or her vision. Style is determined by the characteristics that describe the artwork, such as the way the artist employs form, color, and composition, to name just a few. Another important factor in determining the style of an artwork is to examine the way the artist handles the medium, taking into account the method or technique that the artist uses. An additional aspect of art styles is the philosophy or driving force behind the artwork. All of these stylistic elements are defined by the choices artists make as they compose their artwork.† [ArtIsFun] So, now that we understand that — the main issue I feel needs to be addressed is that recognizable art is not limiting the creativity of an artist, it just limits their field. It doesn’t stop them from expanding, rather than allow them to be free from pressure of the new-tone art, as they stick with their recognizable art and expand from there. Consistency is never bad, in fact, it’s considered stable so long as there’s also a slight variation, whether through purpose, tone, color, meaning, etc. For instance, a particular artist may have recognizable art for marketing purposes. If someone were too originally paint flowers of different variations, and then start painting people – the difference can be confusing; â€Å"If your goal is to create a name-recognized brand – like Mary Engelbreit, for example, you have to develop a strong, tight and recognizable style. People have to see it and know, â€Å"Mary Engelbreit.† Mary is known for her black and white checks, cherries, cute characters and use of quotes in her work. If she started painting landscapes, it would confuse the market.† [Reed] However, another issue is that when creating a portfolio to impress a major employer, they seek variation and different styles; but why? If you’re good at it, why change? They want to be able to see all that you’re good at. Very similar to how American Idol put its contestants through rock music and then through country music. So, even though you may be particularly good at a particular style, variation is sought upon when searching for a career. The broader, the more unique even if you’re placed doing one design for the rest of your life in that particular career.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Is technology a blessing or a curse in australia Essay

Good Evening fellow speakers, judges and audience. Tonight I will be speaking about the topic is Technology a blessing or a curse? What is technology, the definition of technology in the Macquarie budget dictionary is the branch knowledge that deals with science and engineering. To me it means anything that helps us to live our lives easier. Over the past decade, Australia has been advancing with all of its technology. It is said that this decade had the most technological advancements ever. Some examples are phones, television, and computers. Most of the things we have now like tablets and touch phones were a dream for people in the last century. If any of you have watched star trek enterprise, you would see that they used items that seemed like a tablet but wasn’t one. Also technology is a blessing in the educational area. It is because we now have the smart board, which helps the teachers with showing different resources, and it also helps the students because they can learn more about the subject. Technology is a blessing. The reason I choose this topic to relate to Australia is because Australia is rapidly developing in all areas. But the most is in the technological area. This century is said to be the technological era. Technology is a blessing because without it we would not be able to many things like contacting loved ones who are overseas, watching TV, calling people instantly with telephones and driving to different places in a car etc. Everything we do everyday involves using technology. Imagine the world without technology, no phones, no electricity, no sewage, no clean water and no cars. All these things have or use or need technology. Another reason it is a blessing is because in schools and workplaces, it is easier for the people to access the information needed for that time. For example for most of the students here would have used technology for there speech. If it were not for technology, we would have to do simple things to us now and have it harder to do. For example sending an email to a relative overseas who would receive it within 10secends would become writing a letter and sending through a postal office, which takes a long period of time. Technology is also a curse. The new advancements of technology have caused major side affects on us humans and the environment. The first floor is that there is an increase of teenagers needed glasses to read and see. Another reason is that in our environment it is impacted a lot by the extra greenhouse gases, which are killing animals, destroying habitats and warming our world causing the polar ice caps to melt which increases the sea level. To use technology, now you need electricity and power. To make these things you need to burn coal, which releases carbon emissions. Another reason it is a curse is because us humans are becoming very reliant on Technology. Teenagers always want the new iPhone or parents asking their kids how different items work. We are becoming dependent on technology too much that if we were to just remove technology, we could not live a good life and we have to start learning different things like sending a letter. In conclusion I believe that technology is a blessing rather than a curse because it has helped us have an easier life to live. Without technology we would have to walk to school, which might be over 15km away but now we just have to go by public transport or drive by car to different places.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Learn About NASAs Pathfinder Mission to Mars

Learn About NASAs Pathfinder Mission to Mars Meet Mars Pathfinder The Mars Pathfinder was the second of NASAs low-cost planetary Discovery missions to be launched. It was an ambitious way to send a lander and a separate, remote-controlled rover to the surface of Mars and demonstrated a number of innovative, economical, and highly effective approaches to spacecraft and mission design of a planetary landing mission. One reason it was sent was to show the feasibility of low-cost landings at Mars and eventual robotic exploration.   Mars Pathfinder was launched on a Delta 7925 on December 4, 1996. The spacecraft entered the Martian atmosphere on July 4, 1997 and took atmospheric measurements as it descended. The entry vehicles heat shield slowed the craft to 400 meters per second in about 160 seconds. A 12.5-meter parachute was deployed at this time, slowing the craft to about 70 meters per second. The heat shield was released 20 seconds after parachute deployment, and the bridle, a 20-meter-long braided Kevlar tether, deployed below the spacecraft. The lander separated from the back shell and slid down to the bottom of the bridle over about 25 seconds. At an altitude of about 1.6 kilometers, the radar altimeter acquired the ground, and about 10 seconds before landing four air bags inflated in about 0.3 seconds forming a 5.2-meter-wide diameter protective ball around the lander. Four seconds later at an altitude of 98 meters the three solid rockets, mounted in the backshell, fired to slow the descent, and the bridle was cut 21.5 meters above the ground. That released the airbag-encased lander, which dropped to the ground. It bounced about 12 meters into the air, bouncing at least another 15 times and rolling before coming to rest approximately 2.5 minutes after impact and about a kilometer from the initial impact site. After landing, the airbags deflated and were retracted. Pathfinder opened its three metallic triangular solar panels (petals) 87 minutes after landing. The lander first transmitted the engineering and atmospheric science data collected during entry and landing. The imaging system obtained views of the rover and immediate surroundings and a panoramic view of the landing area. Eventually, the landers ramps were deployed and the rover rolled onto the surface.   The Sojourner Rover The Pathfinders rover Sojourner was named  in honor of Sojourner Truth, a 19th-century abolitionist and champion of womens rights. It operated for 84 days, 12 times longer than its designed lifetime of seven days. It investigated rocks and soil in the area around the lander.   The bulk of the landers task was to support the rover by imaging rover operations and relaying data from the rover to Earth. The lander was also equipped with a meteorology station. Over 2.5 meters of solar cells on the lander petals, in combination with rechargeable batteries, powered the lander and its onboard computer. Three low-gain antennas extended from three corners of the box and a camera extended up from the center on a 0.8-meter high pop-up mast. Images were taken and experiments performed by the lander and rover until 27 September 1997 when communications were lost for unknown reasons. The landing site in the Ares Vallis region of Mars is at 19.33 N, 33.55 W. The lander has been named the Sagan Memorial Station, and it operated nearly three times its design lifetime of 30 days. Pathfinders Landing Spot The Ares Vallis region of Mars is a large flood plain near Chryse Planitia. This region is one of the largest outflow channels on Mars, the result of a huge flood (possibly an amount of water equivalent to the volume of all five Great Lakes) over a short period of time flowing into the martian northern lowlands. The Mars Pathfinder mission cost approximately $265 million including launch and operations. Development and construction of the lander cost $150 million and the rover about $25 million. Edited and updated by Carolyn Collins Petersen.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Who Are Ghostwriters for Hire and Why Do You Need to Know That

Who Are Ghostwriters for Hire and Why Do You Need to Know That Who Are Ghostwriters for Hire and Why Do You Need to Know That? Ghostwriters for hire are professional writers who are there to help customers write something on their behalf. The way ghostwriting works is that the writer who is hired mirrors or mimics the writing style or voice of the client. This is usually done when a client sends over recordings of themselves speaking, interviews they gave, or papers they have published. Then the ghostwriter reviews all of that and produces a new report, essay, book, or any other form of writing as though they were the client. They write the content from the perspective of the client, in the voice of the client, and then the client publishes it as though they wrote it. The ghostwriters do not get any credit for the work they do. This type of service can be used by people who are pressed for time, unable or unwilling to write something themselves, or who lack the confidence to really write from the heart. That being said, ghostwriters can be hired by college students too for many tasks. They can: Work as Essay Writers too In fact, many writers have the flexibility and professionalism to help you write a great essay in your voice, because of the fact that ghostwriting uses the same skills. Write the Text for Your Future/Current Website When you start a website, whether for school or work purposes, you can turn to a ghostwriter to create all of the content you want to publish on the site and then you can credit it to yourself. Create White Papers for Your Future Company If you plan to start a company right out of school you can turn to a ghostwriter to craft a white paper for your future company, a business plan, or a marketing plan. Write an eBook for You on Any Topic You Want Ghostwriters can write an ebook on any topic students want, which means you can ask for a ghostwriter to give you an ebook covering creative writing, different citation methods, or research skills and then turn to that guide in the future. If there is something in your class with which you struggle, having a ghostwriter produce a short ebook on the subject will give you the background information you need. You might even be able to get a ghostwriter to produce an ebook on a topic you are going to write about for an upcoming essay, and then use the sources included in that ebook as a part of your research. Overall, ghostwriters are a great resource because of their natural ability to assume the voice and tone of someone else. They can do all of the research necessary to become familiar with someone’s way of speaking, their sentence structure, and how they often present ideas so that the finished product sounds just like something the client wrote. This is, again, perfect for students to keep as a resource both in school and beyond graduation.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Operation management exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operation management exam - Essay Example The main objective of the concept is to optimize from the production processes while reducing on wastage. The concept aims to reduce lead time and batch size and increase the throughput time. The implementation in company results to efficient running of the processes perfectly aligned to the quantity demanded. The history of the concept dates back in Japan where it was recognised as a means of production. The concept was initially known as the Toyota production system since it was practised in order to compete with the automobile industry in America as explained by Coyle, Bardi and Langley (2009). It was observed that in America, production was based on the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) however, the method could not work in Japan as the domestic demand was lower and there was demand for different models in small quantities. This led to the introduction of the concept that was based on elimination of waste resulting from inventory costs, processing time , transportation, time spent waiting and excess production. The implementation of concept saw the rise of the industry and realised more profits however the system needs employee participation and good management for it to yield benefits to the company. The JIT manufacturing system benefits a company in several ways the most important are the reduction of inventories. Customer relations improves as the company reduces the throughput time resulting to greater output and fast response to the customers demands and also minimizes the rates of defects leading satisfaction. There is reduced setup time that allows the company to eliminate the stock for change over time. The system simplifies inventory management as there is improved flow of goods from the warehouse. Schedules of working hours, production and supply are synchronized with the demand and optimal inventory amounts.